
Our therapeutic relationship may draw upon any of the modalities I offer. Clients generally start with one modality; over the course of our work this often expands to multiple modalities. Some clients come to me knowing where they would like to start, others want or need guidance finding an entry point. If you would like to talk about where to start, or would like to learn more about a particular modality I offer, I encourage you to schedule a free twenty-minute consultation.

Ellen McKenzie Somatic Therapy operates as a part of Red Beard Somatic Therapy.

Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy is a professional application of the principles and practices of yoga to promote health and well-being within a therapeutic relationship that includes personalized assessment, lifestyle management, and movement and breath practices. Yoga Therapy aims to eliminate, reduce, and/or manage symptoms that cause suffering.

I work collaboratively with each client to develop and implement a self-empowering therapeutic plan. My approach to yoga therapy blends a contemporary understanding of the nervous system with a traditional yogic perspective. Clients will receive personalized take-home information to help support them in their practices.

Intro Session |  90 mins

Follow-Up | 60 mins   

TRE® - Neurogenic Tremoring

Created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, TRE® safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension. When this neurogenic tremoring is activated in a safe and controlled environment it invites the body to discharge the physiological responses of the sympathetic (arousal) and dorsal vagal (collapse/freeze) states; in doing so, TRE® helps the nervous system return to a state of balance and regulation. This shift can improve overall resilience in the face of new stressors and impact the physical, psychoemotional, and energetic experience of self.

Intro Session |  90 mins

Follow-Up | 60 mins 

Hanna Somatics

Somatics is a therapeutic system of movement that addresses patterns of contraction, stress, and tension that have become normalized within the neuromuscular system. These patterns develop in response to stress/trauma and injuries (acute and chronic), repetitive use, and/or prolonger periods in a particular position.

Using slow and subtle movement, we directly re-educate the pattern by reorganizing the way your nervous system controls and senses muscles and movement. This work is informed by the teachings of Thomas Hanna and The International Soma Yoga Institute. Clients will receive personalized take-home information to help support them in their practices.

Intro Session |  90 mins

Follow-Up | 60 mins  

Zen Integration Bodywork

Zen Integration Bodywork follows the model and principles of Ida Rolf’s Structural Integration Bodywork while working through a Zen informed lens of the body and energy (ki). Sessions include manual tissue work coupled with movement and breath, which invite the nervous system into the process of reorganization and integration. No draping is used; all clients wear modest undergarments throughout the session.

Intro & Follow-Up |  90 mins

Optional Extended Session |  120 mins


In-Person Sessions

60 mins |  $140

90 mins |  $205

120 mins  |  $275
(Zen Integration Bodywork Only)

Online Sessions

60 mins |  $150

90 mins |  $215

Online Classes

Somatics & TRE Online

Wednesdays 10:30am Central Time
Previous TRE® experience required.
60 mins | $10

Each class will include a guided somatics practice followed by TRE®. We will intentionally consider and study the way somatic education feeds your tremoring experience and supports the unwinding of tension in a gentle way.

“Working with Ellen is a creative, empowering experience. Ellen brings a deep knowledge of the body and the mind, and yet she recognizes and values the wisdom that can only come from within. Together Ellen and I have co-created approaches and paths to support my physical, mental, and emotional healing. Ellen is humble, curious, and playful.

Whether meeting in person or online, Ellen has a way with words that makes learning new movements accessible and she has the capacity to hold an incredibly safe and brave space for self-exploration. Working with Ellen has helped me slow down, be curious, soften, and learn to trust in my body.”

— A.S.